Mukherjee Nagar incident: Delhi High Court to hear PIL over police assault on auto driver, his son

The issue was mentioned before a bench of justices Jayant Nath and Najmi Waziri which said it will hear the matter on Wednesday at 2.15 pm.

Published: 19th June 2019 04:16 PM  |   Last Updated: 19th June 2019 04:16 PM   |  A+A-


NEW DELHI: The Delhi High Court Wednesday agreed to hear a PIL over alleged police assaulton an autorickshaw driver and his son in northwest Delhi's Mukherjee Nagar.

The issue was mentioned before a bench of justices Jayant Nath and Najmi Waziri which said it will hear the matter on Wednesday at 2.15 pm.

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Petitioners, referring to news reports, said that the autorickshaw driver and his minor son were brutally assaulted by police and sought calling of records, including medical reports, of the case.

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